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Image Based Sexual Abuse

Updated: Oct 8

Black women experience higher rates of "revenge porn" victimization

Image Based Sexual Abuse- previously known as Revenge pornography- is a form of online harassment involving the nonconsensual sharing of intimate images or videos. It has become a pervasive public health issue in today's digital age. While this harmful practice affects individuals of all genders and backgrounds, research has shown that Black women are disproportionately targeted. The intersectionality of race and gender makes Black women more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse through revenge pornography.

This form of digital violence has a particularly devastating impact on Black women, as they often face intersecting forms of oppression and discrimination. Nonconsensual sharing of intimate images can perpetuate harmful stereotypes about Black women's sexuality, leading to increased stigma, victim-blaming, heightened levels of online harassment and abuse. Additionally, the lack of legal protections and resources specific to this issue can make it difficult for black women to seek justice and support.

Dr. Mikiba W. Morehead is a Senior Consultant with TNG, LLC and has extensive experience in Higher Education as a Student Affairs professional specialized in the areas of Title IX, Student Conduct, crisis management, and student advocacy. Dr. Morehead provides effective and sustainable solutions for colleges, universities, and K-12 schools to care for the needs of students and campus communities with an eye towards social justice. Dr. Morehead's expertise centers on technology-facilitated sexual abuse and her research focuses on the effects of technology-facilitated sexual abuse on college students and college-aged individuals.

To learn more about Dr. Morehead click here.

Works by Dr. Morehead

Season 1, Episode 7

Running Time:  33 minutes


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