Our Book's Purpose
Mainstream psychology has largely overlooked Black women’s intersectional identities and related experiences in the United States. Given the current social and political climate, understanding the experiences of Black women from a psychological perspective has become a prominent part of research and public narratives.
There is currently no one textbook in the field that provides an understanding of the sociohistorical experiences of diverse Black women and how they affect their wellbeing. Many books lump together the experiences of Black women in the United States rather than recognizing the differences within the group. While other textbooks include an intersectionality lens, many still frame the experiences of all women from a Eurocentric perspective, and minimally discusses the unique psychological experiences of women of color, including those of Black women.

The Psychology of Black Womanhood provides a comprehensive examination of the interdisciplinary research exploring Black women's experiences in the United States. Although firmly grounded in research literature, it is presented in a way that is easy to understand, and relevant to issues we are negotiating today. Through a lens validating intersections of Black women’s identities, Psychology of Black Womanhood benefits readers with unprecedented cultural awareness, inclusive diversity, and critical thinking content. Readers will be able to better identify fact from fiction by applying the research and engaging in the relevant activities integrated throughout the book. Whether they are or are not Black, women, psychology students, or community readers, everyone will be well informed by the ​Psychology of Black Womanhood systematic, comprehensive and well- sequenced presentation of key areas of importance to Black women's lives in the United States.
Psychology of Black Womanhood is an ideal text for courses such as Psychology of Black Women, Psychology of Women, Black Women’s Experiences, and Psychology of Women of Color, as well as interdisciplinary courses. Researchers, employers, clinicians, and policy makers will benefit from this detail presentation of research focused on Black women. Book clubs and reading groups will also find the chapter questions useful for guiding discussions.
Features for instructors:
Jargon-free, accessible, everyday language covering Black women’s diverse experiences and ways of knowing.
Interdisciplinary and intersectional approach appealing to sociology, counseling and social work, Black and ethnic studies, women’s studies, while grounded in psychology
Author team that brings together established scholars from both Historically Black College/ University (HBCU)s and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs).
Glossary of key terms
Suggestions for further reading
Career resources
Instructional tools for a designed course, beyond conceptualization and practicality: sample course syllabi, assignments, lecture notes, and test banks for an in-person, asynchronous online, or synchronous online courses
Companion website for students
Accompanying podcast featuring experts and scholars discussing content from the book